The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 Trailers

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 Trailers 

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The First 'Eclipse' Trailer's Out March 12: What Do You Hope It Includes?

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Hollywood Crush posted list of things expected on Eclipse trailer. Check it out! (via @hollywoodcrush) Finally, finally an "Eclipse" trailer is coming out. It seems like a lifetime since "New Moon" hit theaters (truthfully it's only been three months) and now we at MTV — and we're sure many of you out there — are itching for some new "Twilight" action.

Though the release of "Remember Me" is three weeks away and we're sure Summit already has their teaser trailer polished and ready, we have still decided it was essential to put together a wish list of scenes we would like to see included in it.

After the jump, check out our list as well as Kristen Stewart's!


We've all seen the make-out scene photos that were leaked last week, even though Summit quickly did their best to squash them. So, Summit, why not give the fans what they want? That make-out scene is the hottest and heaviest of the series so far, so even a brief flash of it would be enough to whet just about any "Twilight" fan's appetite. Plus, it's fun to see Robert Pattinson and Kristen make-out (even if it's just for the cinema).


In those same leaked photos there was one of Bryce Dallas Howard as Victoria, but it would be interesting to see Rachelle Lefevre's replacement in action. From that photo and some others floating around it seems as though the "Eclipse" make-up artists did a pretty good job of keeping Victoria's look consistent, but there is a lot more to making a character convincing than just make-up.

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