The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 Trailers

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 Trailers 

Saturday, February 13, 2010

'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn' in 3D?

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Hi Tw3ilight World! (EA) has this interesting article about BD as a movie!
Over the course of the past few months, a great many conversations have been had about the various potential efficacies of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn.
Of course, the primary debate has been (at least recently) over whether the story would be made into one or two films . . . and, though a seemingly reliable indication of the latter option being chosen was issued this week, the studio has assured fans that there is no official decision on the matter just yet.
Nevertheless, a new, very interesting conversation was begun by The Hollywood Reporter this week as well about whether the film (or films, perhaps) would be in 3D.
"3D or not 3D, that is the question," presents THR, who states that "The halls of Summit are also alive with the parallel potential of filming the last film — or films — in 3D."
As you already know, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is treading into IMAX waters, and a movement by Breaking Dawn into the third dimension would not be incredibly off the progressional mark.
Of course, there are already disagreements on the issue, reports THR. "Some [fans] are already begging Summit not to do it."
There are certainly some potential benefits to a 3D Breaking Dawn.
[*Warning: the remainder of this post contains spoilers about Breaking Dawn*]
Think about the vibrancy and brilliance of Bella's first moments and experiences as a vampire in 3D. Also, consider the idea of seeing the special traits and talents of the newly introduced vampires come to life in this format. These portions of the story would certainly benefit from the special effects that 3D offers.
On the other hand, there are also reasons why it might not be such a delight. Imagine the Renesmee birthing scene in 3D (shiver). There are other, similar potential traumas that could come from the use of 3D, of course, but this stands out as the most complicated visual issue with a 3D The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn.
Of course, the studio has yet to officially announce whether the film will be one or two much less whether the film will be 3D, so, as of now, it's sheer speculation.

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