The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 Trailers

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 Trailers 

Saturday, July 3, 2010

New Entertainment Weekly Outtake

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Hello everyone :)
Thanks to Thinking of Rob (Original Source: EW, Via)
via @thinkingofrob

The Twi­light Saga: Eclipse stars KRISTEN STEWART, ROB PATTINSON, and TAYLOR LAUTNER talk about the pres­sures of pro­mot­ing a block­buster film:

Kris­ten: ”Things have looked up for me as soon as I stopped wor­ry­ing about it and relin­quished the con­trol — not even relin­quished the con­trol, just real­ized that I never had it. As soon as I stopped get­ting ner­vous and freaked out by stuff, I had a much bet­ter time.”

ROB: ”When you first start doing it, it is so over­whelm­ing that you think it’s the most impor­tant thing in the world, the whole thing about pub­lic image and per­sona and stuff. And then you real­ize the whole thing about mar­ket­ing is just hav­ing your face every­where and that’s it. It doesn’t mat­ter what you say.

TAYLOR: ”I think just by rep­e­ti­tion and expe­ri­ence it’s made it more com­fort­able. It got a lot bet­ter when I learned that the eas­i­est way to go about it is just be hon­est and be yourself.’

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