Hey Everyone!
Here is yet another interview of David Slade about Eclipse DVD. Enjoy!
Thanks to our Elite Affiliate Twiligt Lexicon for the tip.
via @TwilightLexicon via insidemovies.ew.com
Entertainment Weekly has their interview with David Slade posted. Having watched the Blu-Ray myself, I wondered why there weren’t more deleted scenes. In particular, I wanted to see the scene where Bella envisions her life with Jacob. Slade addressed this issue and others in the interview.
Why don’t we see all the deleted scenes described in the commentaries on the DVD?
Stewart describes the first thing she shot on the movie — a “fairly ridiculous” sequence in which she imagined herself in the fireside flashback as the Quileute elder chief’s third wife, who stabbed and sacrificed herself to distract the vengeful female vampire attacking the village. Meyer and Godfrey describe people laughing when they saw it. Understandable that they would choose not to include it. Ditto the scene Bella imagined after her kiss with Jacob on the mountain. She saw them having grown old together. “There were a lot of issues with prosthetic makeup,” Slade says with a groan, then a laugh. “It gives me a bit of a shiver, as a filmmaker. As an idea, it was wonderful. What happens with a film is it becomes organic and it grows, and it tells you what it wants, and it was screaming loudly, ‘I don’t want that!’ to me.” Another scene described in the commentaries never actually got shot. “Stephenie really wanted to see Edward as a young man again, and we had this vision scripted for a while where Bella and he are together in Victorian times, as a kind of reverie,” Slade says.
To read the full interview, visit EW’s site.

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