On Tuesday, Moviefone started a new column series called "What I Think I Know About 'Twilight.'" The idea there is that the woman who is writing the series hasn't read the Twilight series nor seen the Twilight films, and she's going to check out all of them and voice her new opinions on the Saga from a first-timer perspective. Thanks again to Amanda at Twi Examiner for the tip! Source Via @twiexaminer.
For the first entry, she talked about the things she thinks are true about the series without having actual information from her own experience of it.
The assumption, in my mind, has always been that people who don't know about the books or films rely on secondhand storytelling for their opinions, and in turn miss a few details or phrases that make the Twilight Saga what it is. In other words, with those that haven't seen or read the Twilight series, it's fairly easy to disregard or at least contextualize opinions.
Still, it's interesting to see what today's average non-Twilight reader/viewer thinks is going on in the Twi-world.
So, here's an example:
Edward does a lot of crazy stuff like take the engine out of Bella's car and make her jump off a cliff.
I think this is all in the name of love, for some insane reason.
Oh, wait! Can Bella read minds?
No, that's 'True Blood.' Um. But there's a part with mind-reading, right? Is it Edward that can read minds?
There is a list of ten things like these two.
On the one hand, there are details involved . . . on the other hand, it quite proves the point that they were a bit lost in translation.
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