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Monday, February 7, 2011

Shiloh Fernandez doesn't envy Robert Pattinson's 'Twilight' fame

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Thanks to our elite affiliate Twilight Examiner for the tip!
via @TwiExaminer via Source

If Robert Pattinson hadn't flown in to become the final and most convincing auditioner for the part of "Edward Cullen" in Twilight, the landscape of super-famous young actors might be a bit different right now.
There were four main contenders for the role, Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke once explained, and aside from Pattinson, they were Shiloh Fernandez, Ben Barnes, and Jackson Rathbone. (Note: Way back when, before the film was even settling into pre-production and casting, Stephenie Meyer shared her own ideas for the role, and, of course, the top tier candidate was Henry Cavill. Noting his age dilemma, though, she also agreed that Jackson Rathbone would be a good choice. Can you imagine Rathbone as Edward instead of Jasper, though? Hard to, right?)

Well, we've heard before that Shiloh Fernandez wasn't losing any sleep over not getting the role.
To Hollywood Crush, in January, he said:
"No one had any idea what 'Twilight' would become . . . At the time, it was just another audition. I didn't realize I was missing out on stardom and giant paychecks . . . Now, looking back on it, I certainly wouldn't have been mentally stable enough to deal with all that . . . Lucky for me, not getting that part led to other work that was a much better fit for me."
That other work includes Hardwicke's own Red Riding Hood (due March 11th in theaters).
In a new interview on the subject, this time with, he elaborated a bit on why he doen't envy Robert Pattinson's Twilight fame.
“It makes me happy that I didn’t do it . . . How can you want that for yourself? How can you wish that on anybody? I think Pattinson handled it really well – he seems like a neat kid, interesting and kind of strange but I wasn’t in the right mind to take any of that. I wasn’t mentally prepared to have any sort of success in that way. Even with this tiny, tiny morsel of fame I’m experiencing now I still feel uncomfortable.”
Pattinson was shy enough, of course, when all of this began, but he seems to have assumed a great deal of confidence and awareness about it all now. Even Shiloh Fernandez might've adapted . . . but as they say, all's well that ends well.

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