The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 Trailers

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 Trailers 

Friday, November 5, 2010

Filming in Rio About to Happen

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Hey Everyone, has some news regarding filming in Rio! Well we have already posted about BD Synopsis HERE. This is exactly what I was looking for today...
Thanks to our Elite Affie Twilight Lexicon For The Tip! Enjoy!

Via @TwilightLexicon From @Collider

The Lexicon inform us:
Speaking of the Rio de Janeiro mentioned in the synopsis, there are various reports filling Brazilian news sites about the cast’s eminent arrival later this week.
There are still reports suggesting that Taylor Lautner may becoming. Various fans are speculating if true, it’s a part of a dream sequence or Bella imagining Jake on the run with Nessie. As one fan on Twitter pointed out, “ Does no one remember Bella’s vision about Jacob & Renesmee running to Rio?!? Prob. why they’re there in Rio 2!”
Others think it’s just reporters assuming Taylor is coming because the Rob, Kristen , and Taylor’s names are frequently linked in the PR and the reporters just aren’t that familiar with the books. With Stephenie Meyer as producer, it’s hard to imagine a script run off the rails so far as to have Jake as a third wheel on Isle Esme.
The other item that might come into play is that Ashley Greene is currently in South America accompanying the Jonas Brothers on their current South American Tour which is just about over. It left us wondering if she is going to hop over to Rio to film any sequences that involve looking for Nahuel and Huelin.

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