Hello everyone!
Since some of our favorite bloggers are in a camp-out for the New Moon premiere, they have been tweeting non-stop and RT some of the news that have them covered. This article was written by Yvonne Villarreal from LAtimes.com (Via Twifans.com).
Fans hoping to get a glimpse of the "New Moon" cast on premiere-night Monday were camping out on the sidewalks of Westwood today, some arriving two days ago to be a part of the latest installment in the "Twilight" vampire saga.
Alison Genet, 35, who drove from Gilbert, Ariz., was first in line, having arrived Thursday at about 8:30 a.m.
"I couldn't get here fast enough," said Genet, who runs the social networking site www.twifans.com. "I want to be front and center when Monday comes around."
She isn't the only one. Hundreds of fans were camped along Le Conte Avenue at Broxton. Take a right and they're down Westwood too. A left at Weyburn Avenue reveals even more "Twi-hards."
And they came prepared.
There are cots with blankets of Edward Cullen, the franchise's dreamboat vampire. Posters with heartfelt dedications like "Suck my blood, Edward" and "RPattz doesn't bowl strikes, he knocks 1 pin down & the other 9 faint." "Twilight" umbrellas provide shade. The latest issue of Vanity Fair, featuring cover boy Robert Pattinson, are in ample supply. And cardboard cut-outs of Edward and Jacob — for fans to take pictures with — stood at the front of the line.
The entire cast is expected to be on hand with star arrivals likely to start between 5 and 6:30 p.m. Monday. The "New Moon" premiere party is scheduled to take place at 9 p.m., at Lindbrook Drive and Glendon Avenue, also in Westwood Village.
And the tweets from far away Twi-hards are already buzzing with jealousy. "only_exception" writes: im so jealous i would totally camp out for 4 days if i didnt live all the way in chicago!...." "Sivanwe" tweeted "That's crazy-but I wish I was there." Summit Entertainment is hoping to continue to ride the teen vampire phenomenon and match the success of the first film, which grossed more than $385.5 million worldwide.

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